As Richard mentioned, the ease of use (translation = time savings) and quality of the scenes from FlowScape blows away any other 3D modeling program. I wouldn't be surprised if you doubled your user base once you had export capability, as most 3D users dabble in multiple programs to come up with the optimum 'pipeline' for producing their finished products. I'm sure many 3D'ers would add FlowScape to their pipeline in a heartbeat.
Recent community posts
Hello, great game! I will be using this to integrate into iClone scenes wherever I can. Would it be possible to add 2 bird types: Corvids (Ravens or Crows) and Seagulls? These are found almost worldwide (at least in Northern Hemishpere) and would be suitable for most of the environments in the game, but would also add a touch of authenticity to a scene. Thanks for considering!